Chapter Twenty-Four: Serpentia’s Sensibilities

Serena Serpentia is pleased with her friends’ level of perfection. Even Granger is mildly impressive today. They’re going to crush eighth year.
Chapter Twenty-Three: Potter’s Predicament

The future is something that Harry’s been trying very hard to ignore. What can he possibly do now that’s as significant as what he’s already achieved?
Chapter Twenty-Two: Hermione’s Hesitation
Hermione Granger never expected to feel sorry for Pansy Parkinson.
Chapter Twenty-One: Parvati’s Post

Parvati receives a special letter — one that’s delivered by Raven.
Chapter Twenty: Mixie’s Mixup

Mixie rolls her eyes and stomps off toward the dining room. These young elves can’t do anything right!
Chapter Nineteen: Carol’s Callers

Carol Granger wore a bright orange t-shirt with white lettering that read “Owl Patrol.” Ron thought it was hilarious. Hermione was not amused.
Chapter Eighteen: The Slytherin Solution

This was the moment of truth. Minerva McGonagall, wondered how many of the staff would remain once she revealed one of Hogwarts’ biggest secrets.
Chapter Seventeen: Seamus’ Shindig

Seamus is fed up with the Serpentias — except for one. Has he realized this too late? Has he driven Serena away for good?
Chapter Sixteen: Parvati’s Party

With the gang’s roar of laughter in her ears, Parvati topples onto her back and looks up into the eyes of the most handsome man she has ever seen.
Chapter Fifteen: Orla’s Observations

Seamus’ English friends look terrific in their muggle beach togs – except for the one witch Orla’d thought a dead cert to have muggle dress down cold.
Chapter Fourteen: Arthur’s Answer

What have we come to, thinks Arthur sadly, when the only person at Hogwarts in whom I can reliably trust is the portrait of Severus Snape?
Chapter Thirteen: Neville’s Narrative

There was a moment of shocked silence. The class were all wondering this same thing: was there any way they could be blamed for losing a professor?
Chapter Twelve: Ron’s Rendezvous

Ron’s eager to tell Hermione about the offer he’s just accepted, but the news has to wait — they’re meeting Hogwarts friends for lunch.
Chapter Eleven: Eileen’s Error

All Eileen has ever wanted is to give Seamus an advantage.If she’s so certain she’s done the right thing, why is her head so wrecked about it?
Chapter Ten: George’s Girls

George looks at the condolence card he’d received by raven at Fred’s funeral. If he had to describe the way it makes him feel, it’s…. Uh Oh.
Chapter Nine: Hermione’s Horror

Hermione peeks over the top of the book, and feels her entire body grow numb. She can’t move. Surely she hasn’t really seen… no… it’s impossible….
Chapter Eight: Irritating Ibiza

The nightclub is jammed with writhing bodies. There’s no place Seamus less wants to be. The day started so well. How the hell has it come to this?
Chapter Seven: Fred’s Funeral

Fred’s funeral brings the Order together. But who’s sent George a note via Raven? What’s Ginny hiding from Harry? And why is everyone wearing magenta?
Chapter Six: Joe’s Jeopardy

Joe Finnegan is used to meeting magical folk. But why is this one wearing a suit, on a Saturday, in June… in a stable?
Chapter Five: Asmo’s Afternoon

Asmo Serpentia’s hanging out in Hogsmeade, waiting to see what his cousin Serena’s done to the dungeons. He meets up with his old friend Marcus Flint.
Chapter Four: Minerva’s Morning

Minerva has trouble enough rebuilding the castle, but her worries don’t stop there. Neville may have discovered Hogwarts’ biggest secret.
Chapter Three: Finnegan’s Fire

Little Seamus thinks little Serena is strangest child he’s ever seen. He’s sure of one thing: he isn’t going to let her ride his pony!
Chapter Two: Finnegan’s Future

Seamus wakes in his four-poster at sunset feeling very rested, only to leap up in terror when he realizes that someone is sitting on his bed.
Chapter One: Potter’s Puzzle

Harry is astonished. Why are his friends behaving kindly toward the meanest Slytherin in the school? And how can he ask without insulting them?

Inside the massive glass house, a woman is sobbing. Her old friend, a Hogwarts professor, has died, and her daughter, a Hogwarts student, is missing.